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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
+49(0) 4263 30 0034
+49(0) 3212 142 0402
Am Waldrand 20
27383 Scheessel
Capt. A. Golubitsky
Managing Director
Dipl. Marine & Cargo Surveyor
Capt. V. Logachev
Dipl. Marine & Cargo Surveyor
Accredited Marine &
Cargo Surveyor
Vessel Valuation Expert
Dr. Ing. Dirk Postel
POSTEL ENGINEERING www.postel-engineering.de
Capt. Dipl.-Ing. Wilfried Wolf
NAUTICAL BUREAU HAMBURG www.nautbureau.com
Darlow Marine Insurance
9420 SW 77th Ave. Suite #200
Miami, FL 33156
Off: (305) 595-7000
(646) 39-SHIPS
Willaimson Place, 0764 IBS Building
La Boca, Balboa, Panama
P.O. Box 0832-1307 WTC PANAMA
Niagara-on-the Lake
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
The photographs were taken by the Capt. A. Golubitsky
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
31 Aug. VDSS, Madison Hotel Hamburg
Bernd Holst
Drydocking costs worldwide - Bad luck and trouble.
A comparison of docking costs and time worldwide.
Influencing factors
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Recycling von Schiffen
Dienstag, den 12. Februar 2019 um 18 Uhr
Madison Hotel Hamburg, Schaarsteinweg 4
20459 Hamburg
IIMS London Conference set to return in 2019 on 17/18 June.
The Conference dinner will take place on Monday 17 June at the
splendid 10/11 Carlton House Terrace, home of The British
IIMS Tonnage Training
Date(s) - 08/04/2019
All Day
Itchenor Sailing Club
Certifying Authority Training Day 2019
Date(s) - 13/05/2019
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Jahresfachtagung 2019 in Wien.
Die JFT 2019 wird vom 10.05-11.05.2019 in Wien
stattfinden und sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der
Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur technischen
Unterwegskontrolle in Europa beschäftigen.
Als Veranstaltungsort konnte das Austria Trend
Hotel Bosei gewonnen werden.
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Condition of the vessel.
Some areas under consideration:
Ballast tanks / double bottom structure is prone to:
-material wastage (general corrosion, grooving corrosion, pitting corrosion)
-deformations (due to material defects, fatigue, incorrect loading and unloading, groundings, collisions)
-fractures (due to material defects, welding defects, wrong repair/welding procedures, excessive corrosion)
Ultrasonic thickness measurements from the previous dry-docking is very important part of documentation
that should be available to the surveyor.
Bottom survey can be done in dry-dock or afloat (in-water bottom survey).
Bottom survey includes inspection of rudder, propeller, visible part of shaft, sea chests and strainers.
Rudder and propeller shaft clearances will be measured, if requested by principals.
Very often prepurchase surveys of vessels carried out afloat.
Thickness measurements
If requested, we can support the pre-purchase survey with ultrasonic thickness mesurements of the vessel’s
structure. We use SONOWALL 70 /IP 67/ (Manufacture Sonotec, 06112 Halle, Germany).
Classification Societies involved in the vessel’s sale process
Once the SALEFORM is amended and agreed between the buyer and seller, it becomes the MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT
The seller requests from his Classification Society a CONFIRMATION OF CLASS.
From this document, received from the seller, the buyer can learn if the vessel has any class recommendations (condition of class)
and/or statutory deficiencies.
The CONFIRMATION OF CLASS may be issued only for the seller, because the seller is the owner of the vessel, in an instant
classified by a present Classification Society.
To issue the CONFIRMATION OF CLASS – no any on-site surveys are required. Although bottom inspection only, by the class
surveyor is often agreed in MOA.
The seller and buyer have of course different interests in the CONFIRMATION OF CLASS.
The seller needs the CONFIRMATION OF CLASS, while the buyer needs a GUARANTEE that the vessel is without any damage
and can be used for purposes expected.
Commercial survey/consultancy companies involved in the pre-purchase condition survey.
There is no any requirements in the involvement of any classification society and class surveyor in the vessel’s pre-purchase
process, as the function of a classification society is periodical, occasional surveys for classification purposes and statutory
inspections on behalf of flag states. Of course with the corresponding reporting system.
Sometimes buyers acquire vessels without any vessel’s inspections and take risks to lose a lot of time and money.
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
For testing the weather and water tightness of cargo hatch covers we use CYGNUS HATCH SURE ultrasonic tightness tester.
The CYGNUS HATCH SURE ultrasonic tightness tester provides a fast and effective method of evaluating and testing the
weather-tightness and water-tightness of hatch covers and hatch coamings. This enables leaks, sealing defects or damaged seals
to be detected accurately and efficiently.
There are many advantages of using ultrasound for hatch cover inspection over other methods.
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Valuation of vessels and other watercrafts is one of the most important industry issues, particularly when there is a reduced
level of buying and selling activity.Valuation of vessels is especially important, alongside the borrowings to assets ratio, for
calculating the value of property and pledging. Virtually all vessels in the world are built and bought using borrowed funds
and lenders are therefore very diligent in their approach to valuation of pledged vessels and the pledgor's total property in
order to ensure their financial security. The procedure used to value sea and inland vessels is complex and requires the client
to provide an extensive pack of documents for a more accurate valuation.
Three main approaches are used to prepare a market valuation of sea vessels
Cost-based approach
With this approach the appraiser calculates all costs incurred by the owner in buying or building the vessel. The calculation
also includes repair, paint and modification costs. Once this information has been analysed, the appraiser moves on to the
next approach.
Comparative approach
This process involves an analysis of information about sales of comparable vessels. An assumption of this method is that a
reasonable buyer is unlikely to pay more for an asset than the price at which assets of comparable utility are sold on the
market. This method is based on collecting information about the sale prices of comparable vessels, analysing the
differences between the vessel being valued and such vessels and adjusting these prices on the basis of any such differences.
Revenue-based approach
In this approach, the appraiser looks at the vessel as an object capable of generating revenues for the owner. This involves
discounting of cash flows and calculation of the amount that may be obtained over a certain period of time.
After using all available approaches, the appraiser evaluates all the data obtained and uses it to prepare a final report
stating the final value.
Circumstances where a market valuation of a sea vessel is required most often are detailed below
For a transaction to buy/sell a sea vessel
Market valuation is not an absolute requirement in this scenario but it is highly recommended to owners, because it can be extremely useful.
First of all, with an expert conclusion it is much easier to set the right price and avoid losing out. In addition, buyers usually take note of
whether an expert valued the vessel. A professional assessment gives buyers comfort that the transaction is honest and fair. It is important to
keep in mind that whatever the appraiser's view, the final decision regarding the price is always taken by the seller.
When taking out insurance for a sea vessel
Unlike with a transaction buy and sell a vessel, in this case a market valuation is required. This is because insurance companies have to
calculate the client's monthly premiums and insurance compensation paid on the occurrence of an insured event, which is virtually
impossible without knowing the market value of the asset.
If a sea vessel is used as security
A market valuation is also required in this instance. Without a market valuation, the bank will not be able to determine the size of loan it can
issue to a client.
Our experts have extensive practical experience of vessel valuation.
Valuation of vessels /watercrafts/ is conducted in accordance with procedures set by effective international law on
the basis of contracts with clients. This work is formalised by a vessel/watercraft value report of full legal effect
for transaction participants and report users.
Our company offers an Express Valuation service. This service produces an advisory report regarding the
potential market value of the appraised asset.
The report includes a description of the asset, a brief calculation of its value prepared using the comparative or
revenue-based approach, i.e. the range of market values of the asset which can vary by +/- 15%.
The price of the Express Valuation service is usually 35-50% of the full valuation price.
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Vetting inspection is a risk assessment process to avoid employment of
substandard vessels.
Interested parties are charterers and terminal operators.
Chemical industry companies can either carry out the vetting inspections
themselves or let it done by third parties companies.
Every shipping company operating oil/chemical tankers has their own safety
standards to keep their vessels in a state of operational readiness, compliance
with international regulations, industry guidance and best practice meeting
customer requirements.
For our clients we offer to carry out pre-vetting inspections and condition
inspections of their vessels to avoid “nonconformities”, “deficiencies”,
“conditions of class”, Port State Control detentions.
Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI).
CDI inspections are initiated by the ship owner and inspectors are
appointed by CDI.
Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).
OCIMF inspections are initiated by submitting OCIMF members
using OCIMF accredited inspectors.
European Barge Inspection Scheme (EBIS).
EBIS inspections are initiated and conducted by member companies.
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
At first and last ports, the parties shall each appoint a representative (Surveyor, Master or Superintendent) for the purpose of determining and agreeing in writing the
condition of the Vessel at the times of delivery and re-delivery. Time actually lost in delivery survey shall be for the Charterers' account and in the re-delivery survey
for the Owners' account.
Provided that it can be accomplished at ports of call, without hindrance to the working or operation of or delay to the Vessel, and subject to prior consent, which shall
not be unreasonably withheld, the Owners shall allow the Charterers to bunker for their account prior to delivery and the Charterers shall allow the Owners to bunker
for their account prior to redelivery. If consent is given, the party ordering the bunkering shall indemnify the other party for any delays, losses, costs and expenses arising
(1) The Charterers shall supply bunkers of a quality suitable for burning in the Vessel's engines and auxiliaries and which conform to the specification(s) mutually
agreed under this Charter.
(2) At the time of delivery of the Vessel the Owners shall place at the disposal of the Charterers, the bunker delivery note(s)
and any samples relating to the fuels existing on board.
(3) During the currency of the Charter the Charterers shall ensure that bunker delivery notes are presented to the Vessel on the
delivery of fuel(s) and that during bunkering representative samples of the fuel(s) supplied shall be taken at the Vessel's bunkering manifold and sealed in the presence
of competent representatives of the Charterers and the Vessel.
(4) The fuel samples shall be retained by the Vessel for 90 (ninety) days after the date of delivery or for whatever period necessary in the case of a prior dispute and any
dispute as to whether the bunker fuels conform to the agreed specification(s) shall be settled by analysis of the sample(s) by (...) or by another mutually agreed fuels analyst
whose findings shall be conclusive evidence as to conformity or otherwise with the bunker fuels specification(s).
(5) The Owners reserve their right to make a claim against the Charterers for any damage to the main engines or the auxiliaries caused by the use of unsuitable fuels
or fuels not complying with the agreed specification(s). Additionally, if bunker fuels supplied do not conform with the mutually agreed specification(s) or otherwise prove
unsuitable for burning in the ship's engines or auxiliaries the Owners shall not be held responsible for any reduction in the Vessel's speed performance and/or increased
bunker consumption nor for any time lost and any other consequences.
The on/off hire surveys are usually carried out afloat.
All accessible parts of the vessel should be surveyed. The parts that are subject to damage from
commercial operations should be thoroughly inspected. Deformations, broken or missing items
should be described. The approximate size and location of the damaged items should be noted.
Preferably, pictures of all damaged items should be taked.
Items for inspection
Shell plating above waterline, stern and stem.
Main deck area at sides and between hatches, including:
- bulkwark, railing, hatchcoamings and covers, airpipes, ventilators, etc.;
- fire and bunker lines and their valves;
- other deck fittings that may be damaged.
Forecastle superstructure, deckhouses, ladders, stairs, railing.
Mooring equipment and mooring lines. Number, type, size, wear condition should be noted.
Accommoddation ladders or gangways, pilot ladders should be described with their number and wear condition.
Each cargo hold:
State of cleanliness (remaining rubbish, dust is to be noted)
- broom swept;
- fresh or sea-water washed;
- presence of odours, infestation.
Condition of tanktop, ceilings, bulkheads, side shell frames, tween deck and hatches, dunnage,
cargo battens, ladders, air and sounding pipes and their casings, light fixtures, bilge wells with
pumping test, scupper pipes, etc.
Lashing equipment (such as twist locks, tensioners, chains, etc.). Number of usable and damaged equipment
on board should be noted. Cargo handling equipment: such as deck cranes, derricks and winches, ramps, cargo
ports are to be noted with description of their condition and periodical inspections, tests carried out, as well as
the last surveys according to the cargo gear register book.
(BIMCO) Bunker Quality Control Clause for Time Chartering
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Risk assessment
The plan of the cargo operations and corresponding calculations
will be checked
Records of periodical inspections in the Cargo Gear Register Book
will be checked
The stowage position of the heavy lift will be agreed with
the cargo officer
The condition and suitability of the equipment expected to be utilized to
handle the heavy lift will be inspected
Certificates of the loose gear will be checked and compared with marking
on blochs, shackles and hooks
Qualication and experience of the personal involved in the cargo
operations will be checked
Supervision of loading and securing
Elements are to be considered for
Heavy Lift loading and transport
Dimentions of the load
Weight of the load
Weight of lifting accessories
SWL of lifting appliances
Free surface effect /ballast tanks/
Lateral drag effect
Stability of the vessel
Speed of cargo operations
Weather conditions
Density of water
Ballast operations for trim and list
Method of discharging
Discharging facilities in the port of destination
Documentation for the load
Involved personnel
Communication facilities
Securing arrangements
Load management on voyage
Stability and safety of the vessel is adequate to compensate for the anticipated
angles of heel
Safety of the terminal constructions, moored barges, if any, and the vessel itself
during heeling will not be affected
Deck load limits are considered
The lifting strops are correctly secured to the dedicated securing points, adequate
dunnage and securing material is used
In case of any damage to the cargo, the cause of the damage will be investigated,
and if necessary immediately reported
The final report will be submitted within two days after the survey
It will be ensured that
Scope of employment
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
At the request of our customers we attend at the premises of manufacturers and/or at
loading/discharging terminals for preshipment surveys and/or loading/discharging supervision for
loss prevention purposes.
We offer clients our support to the vessel’s Master to clause mate’s receipts and bills of lading for
pre-shipment damage to the cargo.
… “Pipes
Considerable claims have been experienced in the carriage of pipes. They are usually shipped in
bundles except where the diameter is very large. In that case, they are usually presented for
shipment in single pieces. Special stowage is frequently called for, particularly in the case of
lighter pipes, where top stowage is preferred. Where top stowage is preferred, pipes should be
stowed fore and aft in the hold. On occasions where pipes have been stowed some fore and aft
and some athwartship almost invariably one or other tier has become deformed owing to
the weight of the over stowing cargo.
These goods are most vulnerable at their ends, and where the ends are threaded then great care
should be taken to ensure that the threads are not nicked or otherwise damaged.” …
.....“Rust damage
Nowhere is the need to clause bills of lading greater than in the case of rust.
Without exception, whenever a consignment is rusty this should be stated in the bills of lading.
Cargo interests may well insist that the rust to be seen is normal or customary, or will not affect the value
of the cargo, or will be removed in any event by further processing, and therefore that the bill of lading can
be issued clean without any danger of prejudicing the interest of the carrier.
Representations of this type are to be ignored. The best way of protecting the carrier’s interests is to clause
the bill of lading.
If the rust is indeed normal or customary there should be no difficulty in the bills of lading negotiated
through the banks. The master’s job is not to concern himself with the marketability of the cargoes that the
carries, he should simply describe the condition of the cargo as he sees it.
Further, when clausing bills of lading against rust, it is essential not to qualify the word rusty in any way by
using words such as “atmospherically” or “superficially” or “slightly”.
The reason for this is simply that rust which may appear on loading to be only slight, may have worsened
progressively during the voyage (without there being any fault on the part of the carrier in the care of the
cargo) to such an extent that the cargo is pitted or otherwise seriously affected on discharge. Commonsense
would tell us that the damage seem on outturn in this type of case is directly consequent on the damage
noted on loading, but it is not always so easy to persuade a court to see things in this way. If the damage on
outturn is more severe that the damage noted on loading a court may be tempted to attitude the
deterioration in the condition of the cargo not to the natural development of the rusting process but to some
alleged fault of the carrier in the care of the cargo.
One of the best ways therefore of minimising this danger is simply to describe cargo as “rusty”, “rusty
edge”, “rusty end”, “top sheets rusty”.
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Section C:
Incorrect hydrostatic information or draught marks
Incorrect tank calibration
Mud and/or scale in ballast tanks
Bottom shell growth
Water disturbance
Variations in sea water density (the density can be affected by
chemicals insolution)
Vessel squat (tidal stream or fast flowing current /river/)
- Especially where underkeel clearance is small
- There appears to be no affect at currant speeds below 2.5 knots
Asymmetrical hull deflections
Solar bending (normally appears hogging)
Use of approximate methods for corrections
(it is better to use vessel’s correction tables)
Wrong calculation of ballast in full sounded ballast tanks by various trims
Wrong calculation of ballast in 0.00 sounded ballast tanks by various trims
Wrong interpolations, usually by software for draft survey calculations
Reading of quantity of ballast water using computer software in case of ballast tanks
without sounding pipes
Measuring of freeboard instead of taking drafts
-Inaccuracy appears mostly due to utilizing of not suitable measuring devices
Using of not calibrated areometers
Improper use of areometers
Calculating with wrong density of ballast water
In case a cargo hold (usually hold #4) filled with ballast water
Not considered water in drainage wells (if the wells filled with water)
Difference between declared and on board available bunkers, in case of bunker
operations in progress
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
We are Authorized Flag State Inspectors
for Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry
Ship Registration
Change of Flag
Safety Equipment Surveys
Safety Construction Surveys
Load Line Surveys
Marpol Surveys
Boiler Surveys (Pressure Vessels Surveys)
Bottom Surveys ( Shell & bottom plating, Bow,
Stern frame & skeg, Bilge keels, Rudder & pintles, Propeller, Stern
bush & gland, Sea chests & valves,
Thrusters & stabilizer penetratioins, Anchor & cables,
Reinstatement Surveys
PERIODICAL SURVEYS (Overlapping of Class & Statutory Surveys)
Hull (Decks, Closing appliances, Shell plating, Pipe lines, Cable runs,
Anchoring & Mooring equipment, Cargo holds, Engine room,
Main & auxiliary steering gear, Watertight bulkhead penetrations,
Ballast tanks, Void spaces, Fire protection, Loading guidance facilities,
Loading calculator, Stability file, Functional tests and other items)
Machinery Installation
Exh. Gas leakages, broken supports
Leakages of inner stern tube seal
Water in the oil of the anchor winch‘s gear
Defect and missing rudder indicators
Inoperable parallel and synchronization devices of alternators
Defect circuit breakers and safety cut outs of prime movers
Ínoperable stand-by arrangements on ships with class notation AUT
Inoperableelectrical fuel shut-downs and quick closing valves
Defective alarm systems
Verification of vessels‘ fitness to be in service until
the next Class Renewal Survey.
Confirmation of class worthiness by means of
thorough examination.
We are Authorized
Flag State Inspectors
for Commonwealth of
Dominica Maritime Registry
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Cargo claims
Investigate nature, extent and cause of loss
Advise on mitigation of loss
Sale of the damaged cargo
If reqested, our lawyers agree a settlement,
if the loss is not to be met in full.
Advise on libility and negotiate recovery.
Supervision of loading of cargo
Supervision of stowage and securing of cargo
Supervision of loading, securing of non-standard cargo and heavy lifts
Surveys of perishable cargoes
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
We offer our clients
Bunker stem surveys
Bunker detective surveys
On/Off Hire bunker surveys
We carry out bunker surveys in accordance with ISO 13739 and/or SS 600 Standard
Code of Practice for Bunkering.
We supervise the collection of the representative samples during bunkering operations.
Useful websites
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AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
We offer our clients
We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies
AGMAR Ltd. Company No: 5877542 69 Great Hampton Street, BIRMINGHAM, B18 6EW
AGMAR Ltd. Am Waldrand 20, 27383 Scheessel, GERMANY
E: survey@agmarltd.de F: +49 (0) 321214 204 02
M: +49 (0)170 400 6557 T: +49 (0) 4263 3 000 34
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den
Elbe-Weser-Raum. Amtsgericht Walsrode
Corrosion Testing & Monitoring
Maintenance checks
Through-coat testing
Precision measurement
Useful websites
The 2019 Annual Conference will be held at the Golden Nugget,
Las Vegas, NV the week of February 10, 2019. The conference
will start on Tuesday evening, February 12 and end on Thursday,
February 14; with training seminars on Tuesday afternoon and
Friday morning, subjects to be determined.